Oktoberfest Mega Sale: Die neue 51,2V 100Ah Batterie ist bald ausverkauft.

Battery science

  • Wohnmobil-/Schiff Lithium-Batterie lädt nicht? Lesen Sie zum lösen!

    , by Sally Zhuang Motorhome/ship lithium battery not charging? Read to solve!

    Due to their superior energy density and longer lifespan, lithium batteries are very popular. Still, dealing with charging issues can be quite annoying and inconvenient....

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  • Welche Größe Batterie für Marine Boot?

    , by Sally Zhuang What size battery for marine boat?

    Choosing the right marine battery size is an important decision for boaters. Whether you're a first-time boat owner or an experienced sailor, understanding the factors...

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  • 7 Fehler, die Sie beim Laden von LiFePO4-Batterien Vermeiden sollten

    , by Sally Zhuang 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Charging LiFePO4 Batteries

    Charging a LiFePO4 battery, also called a lithium iron phosphate battery, requires careful attention to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Errors during the charging...

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  • Vollständiger Vergleich von Prismatischen und Pouch Zellen

    , by Sally Zhuang Complete comparison of prismatic and pouch cells

    Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, the use of rechargeable batteries is becoming more and more common in our daily lives. Among the different types...

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  • Wohnmobil Batterie lädt nicht? Hier ist die Lösung!

    , by Sally Zhuang Motorhome battery not charging? Here is the solution!

    If the battery of your motorhome or caravan connected to shore power is not charging, there are a few steps you can take to resolve...

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  • Power Queen 12,8V 100Ah Serienvergleich

    , by Sally Zhuang Power Queen 12.8V 100Ah series comparison

    The current product range of the Power Queen 12.8V 100Ah series includes 4 different products: Classic 12V 100Ah, Mini, Smart and Self-Heating. This diversity has...

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  • MPPT VS. PWM Laderegler: Auswahl der Richtigen Option für Solarsystem

    , by Sally Zhuang MPPT VS. PWM charge controller: Choosing the right option for solar system

    Solar energy systems play an important role in meeting the increasing energy needs of residential and commercial applications. To ensure optimal performance and efficient use...

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  • [Antwort] Kann ich eine LiFePO4 Batterie mit einem Blei-Säure-Ladegerät laden?

    , by Sally Zhuang [Answer] Can I charge a LiFePO4 battery with a lead-acid charger?

    Can I charge a lithium battery with a lead-acid charger? We often receive this question from our customers. The answer is: Not recommended. It is...

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  • Lagerung von LiFePO4-Batterien: Ein Leitfaden zur richtigen Handbung und Lagerung

    , by Sally Zhuang Storing LiFePO4 Batteries: A Guide to Proper Handling and Storage

    Proper storage is crucial to ensure the longevity of LiFePO4 batteries and avoid potential hazards. Lithium iron phosphate batteries are becoming increasingly popular due to...

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  • Die Ultimative Anleitung Zum Ersetzen der Wohnmobilbatterie

    , by Sally Zhuang The Ultimate Guide To Replacing Your RV Battery

    RVs are fantastic for traveling, camping or even as a small home on wheels. One of the most important parts of an RV is its...

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  • Unterschied beim Marine-Tiefzyklus und der Startbatterie

    , by Sally Zhuang Difference in marine deep cycle and starting battery

    Marine vessels rely heavily on batteries to power their various accessories and components. Without a reliable battery, the ship cannot anchor or sail through the...

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  • Erschliessung der Vorteile von Batteriemanagementsystemen (BMS)

    , by Sally Zhuang Unlocking the benefits of battery management systems (BMS)

    This article is intended to give you an understanding of battery management systems (BMS) and their ability to improve device performance. It provides important information...

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  • Wissen über die Verkabelung von Batterien in Reihen und Parallel

    , by Sally Zhuang Knowledge of wiring batteries in series and parallel

    When it comes to building a solar power system, one of the most important considerations is how you connect your batteries. Two common methods are...

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  • Maximierung der Leistung mit LiFePO4-Batterien: Ein Vergleich zu Bleibatterien

    , by PQ DE Maximizing Performance with LiFePO4 Batteries: A Comparison to Lead Batteries

    Choosing the right battery is crucial for many applications, e.g. b for solar power systems, electric vehicles and marine applications. Two of the most popular...

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